Wednesday, July 24, 2013

My new bike and me

Proud owner of my e-bike.

An exceptional day

 3 good things happened today.

1. To get a dutch driver's license was easy. Since I was still in the possession of a dutch driver's license that was valid after June 30, 1985 (although expired) I could just pay the fee, turn in a picture and in 5 days time I can pick up my new driver's license. Thank God no need to take lessons or take the driver's test.
But for my own peace of mind I do intend to take one lesson since cars in general have a clutch. I also want to borrow a book and study the traffic rules and signs and bring myself up to date.

2. I am the proud owner of an electric bike. This is the best buy I ever made. Whenever I bike, the wind won't bother me since I will get the support of the motor/battery.

3. I am invited to look at a brand new apartment building in the city of Utrecht. The complex is for 55 and over. I signed up for a 2 room apartment and am excited to take a look next Thursday. Who knows.. maybe this will be the place I am going to live.

Friday, July 19, 2013

A first: tapas

The weather was beautiful and sunny so my sister took her husband and me to a tapas restaurant in Utrecht. I have never had tapas before so I was excited to try something new. 
The nice thing about restaurants in Utrecht is that if you want to eat in the center of the city you most likely end up in one of the restaurants at the canal. Imagine sitting outdoors at cellar level and all (foot) traffic and shops are at street level. On the canal a steady stream of boats is passing by, most of them crowded with people enjoying the sun, wine, beer and food.
Tapas are snacks, canapes or finger food that originated in Spain.
Our first course consists of a plate with 4 shells filled with olives. mixed veggies, 2 slices of meat and pieces of cheese. Stupid of me: I forgot to take a picture. 
For the main course we could pick 4 different items of the menu. The pictures will speak for themselves. Dessert also consisted of a plate with ice cream, chocolate cake and fruit cup. In stead of dessert we opted for a coffee with sambuca (anise flavored liqueur). Our sambuca had 3 coffee beans, representing health, happiness and prosperity. The waiter lit a bit of the sambuca plus beans on a spoon and put it back in our glass.
The tapas meal was filling: although each bowl is small, the food was plenty.  All in all it was a delicious experience. I will definitely eat tapas again.


Monday, July 15, 2013

Blessings of the Internet

Well, I have to learn new skills, especially how to browse the internet in the Netherlands.
How to get from A to B by public transportation? I spent lots of time figuring out how to travel to Doorn, to my brother Peter, and got so stuck on web sites that were far too complicated to compare, until my sister told me to just go to: Now it was a piece of cake: you just type in your home address and the address you want to go to and useful information pops up, including cost of your ticket. Now you can plan your trip.
Then I had to find out how to find job postings, how to find housing for rent, how to compare bicycles or health insurance, where to find a doctor, a dentist etc. and I realized how much time I lost when I was looking for information and did not know what word to use to get my search started.
You have a name and city but no address? Just go to (yellow pages), type in the information you have and if you are lucky the address pops up. No zip code? Go to, enter the information and the zip code pops up. 
For people in the Netherlands it is probably not a big deal but coming from abroad I had no idea how much information is easily accessible once I knew where to look. 
In the mean time I am getting quite familiar with public transportation. I noticed how many changes were implemented since I left the country. I love the fact that one card (with enough balance of course) allows me travel all through the country: just scan your card when you hop on or off the train, tram or bus. I also love the fact that you can read all the information on screens in train, bus, tram or metro: where it is headed, when you will arrive. I know people criticize public transportation a lot (never on time, too expensive, no information when there are delays)  but so far, so good, nothing negative to tell.

With Harry and Yvonne in the train to Harderwijk and myself in light rail

Monday, July 8, 2013

Dutch new herring; a great seasonal delicacy.

Every year, in June, the Dutch are anxiously awaiting the arrival of the first catch of herring, which is called "maatjesharing". This is the first young herring fit for consumption.
This fish is prepared in a specific way: it is cleaned, frozen and salted for a couple of days. After salting it is filleted in a specific way: the head is removed, as are all the bones and the skin, but the tail is left on. The tail is often used as a handle to hold the fish when lowering it into your mouth. New herring can be eaten with or without onions.
Many people love to eat it with onions. New herring has a soft texture, tastes lightly salted and smells fresh. It is usually bought at a market stand and eaten there as a snack.
The good news is is a very healthy snack.


Thursday, July 4, 2013

What's in a name

Thursday July 4

That was quite a surprise. I received my health insurance card last week and was listed with my married name. This felt very awkward since I only used my maiden name for the past 8 years. How did the insurance company find out my married name I wondered? When I enrolled I did not fill out that name in any of the boxes. 
I examined the insurance papers and it struck me. In the Netherlands you get assigned a Citizens Service Number. I had to fill out that number in one of the boxes so that's how the insurance company could check my information. I was still registered as married at the time of enrollment. I contacted the insurance company but as long as my personal information is not updated in the national registry I can't get an insurance card with my maiden name. 
Yesterday I heard my file is updated so now I hope to get a new insurance card with my maiden name on it pretty soon.