Wednesday, July 24, 2013

An exceptional day

 3 good things happened today.

1. To get a dutch driver's license was easy. Since I was still in the possession of a dutch driver's license that was valid after June 30, 1985 (although expired) I could just pay the fee, turn in a picture and in 5 days time I can pick up my new driver's license. Thank God no need to take lessons or take the driver's test.
But for my own peace of mind I do intend to take one lesson since cars in general have a clutch. I also want to borrow a book and study the traffic rules and signs and bring myself up to date.

2. I am the proud owner of an electric bike. This is the best buy I ever made. Whenever I bike, the wind won't bother me since I will get the support of the motor/battery.

3. I am invited to look at a brand new apartment building in the city of Utrecht. The complex is for 55 and over. I signed up for a 2 room apartment and am excited to take a look next Thursday. Who knows.. maybe this will be the place I am going to live.

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